12.09.2025 Mures DOG SHOW CACIB
07:00 Entry of the dogs
9:00 Judging in the rings
12.09.2025 MURES CAC
10:00 Judging in the rings
BOG Program in the Ring
12.09.2025 CLUB SHOWS
12:00 Judging in the rings
13:00 Junior Handler will take place in the main ring.
15:00 BIS Program in the Municipal Park
13.09.2025 DRACULA DOG SHOW CACIB - Qualifying for Crufts
08:00 Entry of the dogs
9:00 Judging in the rings
13.09.2025 DRACULA CAC
10:00 Judging in the rings
BOG Program in the Ring
17:30 Junior Handler will take place in the main ring.
18:00 BIS program in the Medieval Fortress.
Dracula Golden Trophy by Ms. Nanta Tansacha will be offered to the Dracula CACIB Best in Show Winner.
14.09.2025 Transilvania DOG SHOW CACIB
07:00 Entry of the dogs
09:00 Judging in the rings
10:00 Judging in the rings
BOG Program in the Ring
13:00 Junior Handler will take place in the main ring.
BIS Program in the Municipal Park